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Sanctuary Offerings


At Nectar of Life Sanctuary, we offer a range of sacred medicines that delve deep into the realms of ancient traditions and sacred rituals. Our offerings include Hape, Sananga, and Cocoa ceremonies, each designed to awaken your senses, expand your consciousness, and facilitate profound healing and transformation.


Hape, also known as sacred tobacco snuff, is a traditional Amazonian medicine that has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for spiritual and physical healing. During a Hape ceremony, a shaman gently administers the powdered tobacco into your nasal passages, allowing the powerful medicine to cleanse and purify your energetic and physical body. The sacred tobacco connects you to the wisdom of the plant spirits, promotes clarity, and assists in releasing emotional blockages, while providing grounding and centering effects.


Sananga, derived from the root of a specific Amazonian shrub, is a potent eye medicine used in traditional indigenous healing practices. Sananga eye drops are applied to the eyes, offering a profound cleansing and balancing effect on your energetic and physical systems. This sacred medicine stimulates your visual perception, heightens your spiritual awareness, and supports the release of stagnant energies, allowing you to gain clarity, insight, and enhanced focus.


Cocoa ceremonies, inspired by the ancient Mayan and Aztec traditions, harness the spiritual and medicinal properties of raw cacao. The ceremony involves the preparation and consumption of ceremonial-grade cacao in a sacred and intentional setting. The rich and heart-opening properties of cacao create a gentle yet powerful shift in consciousness, helping you connect with your inner self, open your heart, and cultivate a sense of joy, love, and gratitude. It can also facilitate deep emotional healing, release energetic blockages, and promote a sense of inner peace and harmony.


These sacred medicines at Nectar of Life Sanctuary offer a range of benefits and results. You may experience heightened spiritual awareness, expanded consciousness, emotional release, increased clarity, and a deep connection with yourself and the natural world. Through these sacred rituals, you can tap into ancient wisdom, heal past traumas, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. Sacred medicine can be done in a retreat setting in a group of up to 20 people.



This traditional tobacco blend is made in South America and blessed by the tribes. Hapè is a grounding tool used in conjuncture to other medicines or on its own. Generally, Hapè causes your body to sink into the earth and delve into your innermost thoughts.


Great for meditation and opening the mind. 

ADD ON: $22



Sananga is a liquid that gets administered into the eye. It opens the third eye vision and allows you to see your life and path more clearly. Sananga also improves your normal vision and has helped correct uneven vision overtime.


This is a medicine that on its own is powerful but it can also stimulate more sight during other medicine ceremonies. 

ADD ON: $22



Cacao is full body medicine. It helps us drop out of the busy mind and enter a space of deep listening. It supports directed mental focus and brings us into full presence. Cacao’s high valeric acid content blocks the stress hormones, while triggering the release of ‘bliss molecules’ leading to euphoria through our body. Cacao enhances a fresh flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body leaving us feeling energized.


Cacao contains high levels of magnesium, iron and potassium, and is one of the greatest sources of antioxidants. Energetically, cacao opens our heart chakra, tuning our vibration to a resonance of love allowing us to feel compassion, forgiveness and joy. We can feel vulnerable as our auric field expands beyond what it may be used to, and we bring awareness to less expressed parts of our Self. 


We consciously connect to our own Soul voice, deep desires and dreams, and begin raising our vibration to the frequency of love that is present in cacao. ​This ceremony supports a connection with the Cacao Spirit, allowing a gentle opening to deep insights and healing. 

$55 per person 

Ask about group ceremonies & retreats

Seniors and children (12 or under) save 10% on any treatment. 

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